The Chosen Single Devotional Book Signed Copy


Are you navigating the waters of singleness, freshly out of a relationship, seeking a new one, or simply relishing the freedom of solo living? "The Chosen Single" invites you on a transformative journey that transcends conventional narratives about singleness.

This book is a heartfelt guide for single women and men. It encourages them to embrace their current season of singleness and find a profound purpose in it. Grounded in faith and community, the narrative urges readers to serve their personal desires and their community, church, and nation.

In these pages, discover the power of leading others to Christ and creating discipleship relationships beyond romantic entanglements. The book offers insights on navigating the challenges of singleness while fostering a deep and meaningful connection with the Lord. Whether you're yearning for companionship, seeking personal growth, or simply relishing the joys of living a fulfilling life, "The Chosen Single" provides a roadmap for embracing your unique journey with faith, purpose and community"

…so you have everything when you have Christ, and you are filled with God through your union with Christ."

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